Brothers-in-Arms Games
Providers of quality print-and-play games
Realms of War
An example of gameplay from the rulebook:
The elf player selects an Open terrain from the visible terrains and assaults it, playing a Cohort as its front-line unit, while the monster horde plays a unit of trolls.
The elf must play the first modifying card and decides to play a White Robe Primarch (+1 missile, 1 Leadership, spell support). The monster horde plays a previously captured Marsh terrain to block any potential high elf flanking attacks.
The elf player now launches a Lightning spell against the trolls, giving a +3 C. In response, the monster horde passes, ending his supporting card play.
The elf player has a leadership point to spend on the combat, and chooses to bring the hippogriff riders into the combat. The hippogriffs are not considered a flank attack, as they are flying creatures and so are not affected by the marsh block. Because he is using leadership to do so, the elf player may use the C 3 on the unit's combat rating instead of the supporting value of only 2. This is dangerous, as the hippogriffs only have a break value of 1 – if they rout, they are eliminated because they are a flying unit.
Final combat values are tallied: the elves have the Cohort C 3 + the lightning C 3 + the hippogriffs C 3 for a total of 9. The trolls have a C 4, but choose to go berserk adding a further +1 (at the price of -1 B and E) for a total of 5.
The elves initiated the combat, so they must pull the RN from their Arsenal deck. Bad luck – the elf player pulls the Storm Giant card which has a RN of -2. The giant is put into the discard pile next to the Arsenal deck. The final combat tally is 7 for the elves (9 – 2) and 5 for the horde for a difference of 2. The trolls also have the Regenerate ability, which subtracts a further 1 from damage unless it is caused by fire. The final difference is 1. not enough to damage the trolls.
Fortunately, the elf player has a trump – a Bless spell card that adds one to any RN draw. This makes the difference 2, enough to rout the trolls (remember, they have a B 3, but lost one point on break rating because of going berserk). The trolls rout.
The bad news doesn't stop there for the horde, as the elf chooses to use the hippogriffs' Pursuit ability to destroy the trolls, gaining 4 victory points. The monsters could have blocked the pursuit if they had not already used the marsh to block potential flank attacks.