Brothers-in-Arms Games

Providers of quality print-and-play games

Rogue Football League

Rogue Football League is a unique quasi-simulation of the construction and operation of a professional football league in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. In RFL, players take on the role of a franchise manager and coach. The players will draft rookies, sign free agents, manage franchise finances and try to make a run at the league championship, all at the same time! Rogue Football League runs over the course of three seasons, so owners will have plenty of time to see their league grow and succeed.

What makes RFL fun to play is that while players are trying to beat each other on the field, they must work together for the success of the league off the field, or no one wins.

It is not necessary to have eight players to play RFL. While the game has mechanics for non-player franchises, and can even be played solitaire, interaction is a BIG part of the game.

League models, or templates, are available for leagues of between six and twelve teams. Each individual game on the schedule can be resolved in 3-5 minutes with the two owners rolling against each other, or a quick play function is available if owners wish to concentrate on the managerial/financial aspects of the league.

Examples of gameplay from the rulebook


Sample cards in order from right to left, top to bottom: rookie card, event card, veteran card, franchise card, veteran card

Player aid card

Another player aid card


Both of these expansions are available as free downloads (you need Adobe Reader to see the files).

Foreign Fields: The first expansion to RFL - adds schedules and cards plus rules for European/Canadian franchises.

Ghosts of the Past: The second expansion for RFL - adds scenarios and more cards. You need Foreign Fields to use GOTP.

*Coming soon* Rogue Football League: The Bottom Line - expansion to add a new financial system using cards to replace record-keeping.

Ordering Rogue Football League:

Rogue Football League is available by sending $6.95 to Paypal.  You will receive an email with the rulebook, player aid cards and game cards as two printable files. 

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