Brothers-in-Arms Games

Providers of quality print-and-play games

Darkness and Glory

Darkness and Glory is a game of the underground world of the drow, also known as the dark elves.  Ebony-skinned and white-haired, the drow are among the most evil creatures in the world.  Unlike the monsters that dwell under the earth, the dark elves’ ferocity is matched by their intelligence, beauty and ability.  Powerful priestesses lead the matriarchy that is the only semblance of rule in the chaotic drow cities. 

Players represent the leaders of great houses, large extended families of dark elves bound by blood and ambition.  It is the goal of each house to rise in power by gaining the favor of the Spiderqueen, a powerful demon whom the drow worship. 

In Darkness and Glory, players compete for favor in different crises by playing cards that represent military units, magical spells, and nobles.  DaG sets up and plays quickly, putting players directly into the action.  Fate cards provide color and immerse the players into the society of the drow. 

Examples of gameplay from the rulebook


A full game setup

Card types

Ordering Darkness and Glory:

Darkness and Glory is available by sending $3.95 to Paypal.  You will receive an email with the rulebook and game cards as two printable files. 

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